W.E.L.D.E.R. Word List

The word list used in W.E.L.D.E.R. is drawn mostly from the Enhanced North American Benchmark LExicon (ENABLE) list as used by Words With Friends and many other word games with selected additions from the English Open Word List (EOWL). As with most word games, proper nouns like "Paris" or "Wednesday" are not allowed. Some neologisms have been added (blogger, texting) and obscene or offensive words have been culled. In addition, we have tried to limit the word list to words for which a defintion can be easily found either in the iOS dictionary or online - if you accidentally spell a word that is entirely unfamiliar to you it is comforting to know that yes, it does exist!

At the moment the list stands at 61,976 four to eight letter words. It is a work in progress. If you believe that a word that should be included is missing or you have come across a word that should be removed please email us at words@weldergame.com and we will consider making the change in the next update.



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    0 Words Found